Welcome to high energy research at the University of Arizona!
We are active in a number of experiments probing the frontiers of particle physics. |
Our group joined the ATLAS collaboration at CERN in the spring of 1994 -- CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research , the world's largest particle physics center. It sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva Founded in 1954, the laboratory was one of Europe's first joint ventures and includes now 20 Member States..
CERN is a laboratory where scientists unite to study the building blocks of matter and the forces that hold them together. CERN exists primarily to provide them with the necessary tools. These are accelerators, which accelerate particles to almost the speed of light and detectors to make the particles visible.
We are playing a major role in the European Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva, Switzerland. John Rutherfoord has led the effort to design a new calorimeter technology based on concentric tubes with very small liquid argon gaps to be used in the most forward regions of the ATLAS detector. A prototype for this detector was tested at both CERN and Brookhaven test beams in 1995 and 1993. The most recent prototype was the FCAL 1 module 0 which was tested in the SPS beamline at CERN during June and July, 1998
The Forward Calorimeter Prototype 1993
The Forward Calorimeter Prototype 1995
The Forward Calorimeter Module 0 1998
The Forward Calorimeter 1 Construction