Elementary Electromagnetic Particle Physics
The Atlas Project

Testbeam 98

Run 2
Pictorial Review


Atlas Talks





Arizona Atlas

Leif Shaver and John Rutherfoord
connect the fully cabled,
FCAL 2, Module 0
to the summing boards
inside the cryostat
Connection of FCAL2, Module 0 to summing boards.
FCAL 2, Module 0
completely installed and connected
in the cryostat
FCAL2, Module 0 installed and connected in the cryostat.
Preparing FCAL 1, Module 0
for mounting of interconnect boards
Preparing FCAL1, Module 0 for mounting of interconnect boards.
Happy Work!
Deborah Koolbeck mounts the interconnect boards
onto FCAL 1, Module 0
Interconnect boards onto FCAL1, Module 0.
Fully cabled FCAL 1, Module 0
Fully cabled FCAL 1.
FCAL 1, Module 0
Craning into position
in front of FCAL 2, Module 0
in the cryostat
Craning FCAL 1, Module 0 into position in front of FCAL 2 in the cryostat.
FCAL 1 and 2, Module 0
combined set up in the cryostat,
fully connected to summing boards
Combined set up in cryostate of FCAL 1 and 2.
The first signal in FCAL 1 Module 0!
Taken at 16:00 on 25 June 1998
First signal in FCAL 1 Module 0.

Experimental Elementary Particle Physics Departmental Telephone: (520) 626-9677