20 April 2015 To: Alexander Paramonov, Al Goshaw, Ayana Arce, Daniel Whiteson, Erich Varnes, Gabriella Scholla, Hong Ma, Jason Nielsen, John Butler, John Rutherfoord, Kevin Black, Chip Brock, Sabine Lammers, and Zachary Marshall From: John R., Re: Mailer 01: US ATLAS Analysis Support Centers Task Force Chip Brock has given us our charge. Now we need to get started. As you will see from the charge we must collect a lot of information, mostly from the managers of the Analysis Support Centers (ASCs) at Brookhaven, Argonne, and LBNL. These managers are members of our committee. For our first committee meeting it would be useful to gather some background information on the Analysis Support Centers to help orient us. I'm starting my assignment to this committee knowing almost nothing about the ASCs and I will assume that at least some of you know as little as I. I see some useful information at http://www.usatlas.bnl.gov/twiki/bin/view/AtlasSoftware/BnlAsc.html http://atlaswww.hep.anl.gov/group/index.php?id=analysis-support-center-asc Also the previous ASC reviews, which Chip included with his charge, have a lot of useful information. For our first meeting I'd like to ask each of the three ASC managers to give us the annual budget for their ASC with a breakdown. Last year's budget should suffice unless last year was somewhat anomalous, in which event previous years would help to clarify. We'd also need the source(s) of these funds. As you might guess with such a large committee it is not going to be easy to arrange meetings. I am hoping we can find a time we can meet on a weekly basis. To do this we should insist on limiting meetings to one hour. I've created a doodle poll at http://doodle.com/63f3y945vmwdrs6v You will notice that I've staggered the start times by 30 minutes and provided lots of options. Although the dates are the days of next week, please chose times which should be ok for you in successive weeks as well. Also note that the time-zone option is in effect so please check that your time zone is selected. Al Goshaw will not be able to attend the first few meetings but I'll keep him informed. I'm looking forward to working with you.