Release 14.7 ngdbuild P.20131013 (lin64) Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Command Line: /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/unwrapped/ngdbuild -intstyle ise -dd _ngo -sd ipcore_dir -nt timestamp -uc /home/carmijo/glib_ipbus2_sgmii/glib_v3/ucf/glib_v3.ucf -p xc6vlx130t-ff1156-1 top.ngc top.ngd Reading NGO file "/home/carmijo/glib_ipbus2_sgmii/work/top.ngc" ... Loading design module "ipcore_dir/v6_emac_v2_3_sgmii.ngc"... Gathering constraint information from source properties... Done. Annotating constraints to design from ucf file "/home/carmijo/glib_ipbus2_sgmii/glib_v3/ucf/glib_v3.ucf" ... Resolving constraint associations... Checking Constraint Associations... INFO:ConstraintSystem:178 - TNM 'gtpclk', used in period specification 'TS_gtpclk', was traced into MMCM_ADV instance clocks/mmcm. The following new TNM groups and period specifications were generated at the MMCM_ADV output(s): CLKOUT1: Done... Checking expanded design ... Partition Implementation Status ------------------------------- No Partitions were found in this design. ------------------------------- NGDBUILD Design Results Summary: Number of errors: 0 Number of warnings: 0 Total memory usage is 544980 kilobytes Writing NGD file "top.ngd" ... Total REAL time to NGDBUILD completion: 14 sec Total CPU time to NGDBUILD completion: 14 sec Writing NGDBUILD log file "top.bld"...