############################################################## # # Xilinx Core Generator version 14.5 # Date: Sun Apr 21 16:48:00 2013 # ############################################################## # # This file contains the customisation parameters for a # Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended # that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause # unexpected and unsupported behavior. # ############################################################## # # Generated from component: xilinx.com:ip:gig_eth_pcs_pma:11.5 # ############################################################## # # BEGIN Project Options SET addpads = false SET asysymbol = true SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped SET createndf = false SET designentry = VHDL SET device = xc7vx690t SET devicefamily = virtex7 SET flowvendor = Other SET formalverification = false SET foundationsym = false SET implementationfiletype = Ngc SET package = ffg1927 SET removerpms = false SET simulationfiles = Behavioral SET speedgrade = -2 SET verilogsim = true SET vhdlsim = true # END Project Options # BEGIN Select SELECT Ethernet_1000BASE-X_PCS/PMA_or_SGMII xilinx.com:ip:gig_eth_pcs_pma:11.5 # END Select # BEGIN Parameters CSET auto_negotiation=false CSET component_name=gig_eth_pcs_pma_v11_5 CSET enable_1588=false CSET management_interface=false CSET physical_interface=Transceiver CSET sgmii_mode=10_100_1000 CSET sgmii_phy_mode=false CSET standard=1000BASEX CSET timing_sim=false CSET transceiver_tile=A # END Parameters # BEGIN Extra information MISC pkg_timestamp=2012-07-11T07:25:50Z # END Extra information GENERATE # CRC: 60dd7405