-- async_fifo_fg.vhd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ************************************************************************* -- ** ** -- ** DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ** -- ** ** -- ** This text/file contains proprietary, confidential ** -- ** information of Xilinx, Inc., is distributed under ** -- ** license from Xilinx, Inc., and may be used, copied ** -- ** and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a valid ** -- ** license agreement with Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx hereby ** -- ** grants you a license to use this text/file solely for ** -- ** design, simulation, implementation and creation of ** -- ** design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. ** -- ** Use with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly ** -- ** prohibited and immediately terminates your license unless ** -- ** covered by a separate agreement. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx is providing this design, code, or information ** -- ** "as-is" solely for use in developing programs and ** -- ** solutions for Xilinx devices, with no obligation on the ** -- ** part of Xilinx to provide support. By providing this design, ** -- ** code, or information as one possible implementation of ** -- ** this feature, application or standard, Xilinx is making no ** -- ** representation that this implementation is free from any ** -- ** claims of infringement. You are responsible for obtaining ** -- ** any rights you may require for your implementation. ** -- ** Xilinx expressly disclaims any warranty whatsoever with ** -- ** respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including ** -- ** but not limited to any warranties or representations that this ** -- ** implementation is free from claims of infringement, implied ** -- ** warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular ** -- ** purpose. ** -- ** ** -- ** Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support ** -- ** appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications is ** -- ** expressly prohibited. ** -- ** ** -- ** Any modifications that are made to the Source Code are ** -- ** done at the user’s sole risk and will be unsupported. ** -- ** The Xilinx Support Hotline does not have access to source ** -- ** code and therefore cannot answer specific questions related ** -- ** to source HDL. The Xilinx Hotline support of original source ** -- ** code IP shall only address issues and questions related ** -- ** to the standard Netlist version of the core (and thus ** -- ** indirectly, the original core source). ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** This copyright and support notice must be retained as part ** -- ** of this text at all times. ** -- ** ** -- ************************************************************************* -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: async_fifo_fg.vhd -- -- Description: -- This HDL file adapts the legacy CoreGen Async FIFO interface to the new -- FIFO Generator async FIFO interface. This wrapper facilitates the "on -- the fly" call of FIFO Generator during design implementation. -- -- -- VHDL-Standard: VHDL'93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Structure: -- async_fifo_fg.vhd -- | -- |-- fifo_generator_v4_3 -- | -- |-- fifo_generator_v9_3 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revision History: -- -- -- Author: DET -- Revision: $Revision: $ -- Date: $1/15/2008$ -- -- History: -- DET 1/15/2008 Initial Version -- -- DET 7/30/2008 for EDK 11.1 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Added parameter C_ALLOW_2N_DEPTH to enable use of FIFO Generator -- feature of specifing 2**N depth of FIFO, Legacy CoreGen Async FIFOs -- only allowed (2**N)-1 depth specification. Parameter is defalted to -- the legacy CoreGen method so current users are not impacted. -- - Incorporated calculation and assignment corrections for the Read and -- Write Pointer Widths. -- - Upgraded to FIFO Generator Version 4.3. -- - Corrected a swap of the Rd_Err and the Wr_Err connections on the FIFO -- Generator instance. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- MSH and DET 3/2/2009 For Lava SP2 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Added FIFO Generator version 5.1 for use with Virtex6 and Spartan6 -- devices. -- - IfGen used so that legacy FPGA families still use Fifo Generator -- version 4.3. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- DET 2/9/2010 for EDK 12.1 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Updated the S6/V6 FIFO Generator version from V5.2 to V5.3. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- DET 3/10/2010 For EDK 12.x -- ~~~~~~ -- -- Per CR553307 -- - Updated the S6/V6 FIFO Generator version from V5.3 to 6_1. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- DET 6/18/2010 EDK_MS2 -- ~~~~~~ -- -- Per IR565916 -- - Added derivative part type checks for S6 or V6. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- DET 8/30/2010 EDK_MS4 -- ~~~~~~ -- -- Per CR573867 -- - Updated the S6/V6 FIFO Generator version from V6.1 to 7.2. -- - Added all of the AXI parameters and ports. They are not used -- in this application. -- - Updated method for derivative part support using new family -- aliasing function in family_support.vhd. -- - Incorporated an implementation to deal with unsupported FPGA -- parts passed in on the C_FAMILY parameter. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- DET 10/4/2010 EDK 13.1 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Updated the FIFO Generator version from V7.2 to 7.3. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- DET 12/8/2010 EDK 13.1 -- ~~~~~~ -- -- Per CR586109 -- - Updated the FIFO Generator version from V7.3 to 8.1. -- ^^^^^^ -- -- DET 3/2/2011 EDK 13.2 -- ~~~~~~ -- -- Per CR595473 -- - Update to use fifo_generator_v8_2 -- ^^^^^^ -- -- -- RBODDU 08/18/2011 EDK 13.3 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Update to use fifo_generator_v8_3 -- ^^^^^^ -- -- RBODDU 06/07/2012 EDK 14.2 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Update to use fifo_generator_v9_1 -- ^^^^^^ -- RBODDU 06/11/2012 EDK 14.4 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Update to use fifo_generator_v9_2 -- ^^^^^^ -- RBODDU 07/12/2012 EDK 14.5 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Update to use fifo_generator_v9_3 -- ^^^^^^ -- RBODDU 07/12/2012 EDK 14.5 -- ~~~~~~ -- - Update to use fifo_generator_v12_0 -- - Added sleep, wr_rst_busy, and rd_rst_busy signals -- - Changed FULL_FLAGS_RST_VAL to '1' -- ^^^^^^ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; library fifo_generator_v12_0; use fifo_generator_v12_0.all; --library lib_fifo_v1_0; --use lib_fifo_v1_0.lib_fifo_pkg.all; --use lib_fifo_v1_0.family_support.all; -- synopsys translate_off --library XilinxCoreLib; --use XilinxCoreLib.all; -- synopsys translate_on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entity async_fifo_fg is generic ( C_ALLOW_2N_DEPTH : Integer := 0; -- New paramter to leverage FIFO Gen 2**N depth C_FAMILY : String := "virtex5"; -- new for FIFO Gen C_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 16; C_ENABLE_RLOCS : integer := 0 ; -- not supported in FG C_FIFO_DEPTH : integer := 15; C_HAS_ALMOST_EMPTY : integer := 1 ; C_HAS_ALMOST_FULL : integer := 1 ; C_HAS_RD_ACK : integer := 0 ; C_HAS_RD_COUNT : integer := 1 ; C_HAS_RD_ERR : integer := 0 ; C_HAS_WR_ACK : integer := 0 ; C_HAS_WR_COUNT : integer := 1 ; C_HAS_WR_ERR : integer := 0 ; C_RD_ACK_LOW : integer := 0 ; C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH : integer := 3 ; C_RD_ERR_LOW : integer := 0 ; C_USE_EMBEDDED_REG : integer := 0 ; -- Valid only for BRAM based FIFO, otherwise needs to be set to 0 C_PRELOAD_REGS : integer := 0 ; C_PRELOAD_LATENCY : integer := 1 ; -- needs to be set 2 when C_USE_EMBEDDED_REG = 1 C_USE_BLOCKMEM : integer := 1 ; -- 0 = distributed RAM, 1 = BRAM C_WR_ACK_LOW : integer := 0 ; C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH : integer := 3 ; C_WR_ERR_LOW : integer := 0 ; C_SYNCHRONIZER_STAGE : integer := 2 -- valid values are 0 to 8 ); port ( Din : in std_logic_vector(C_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); Wr_en : in std_logic := '1'; Wr_clk : in std_logic := '1'; Rd_en : in std_logic := '0'; Rd_clk : in std_logic := '1'; Ainit : in std_logic := '1'; Dout : out std_logic_vector(C_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Full : out std_logic; Empty : out std_logic; Almost_full : out std_logic; Almost_empty : out std_logic; Wr_count : out std_logic_vector(C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Rd_count : out std_logic_vector(C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); Rd_ack : out std_logic; Rd_err : out std_logic; Wr_ack : out std_logic; Wr_err : out std_logic ); end entity async_fifo_fg; architecture implementation of async_fifo_fg is -- Function delarations ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Function -- -- Function Name: GetMemType -- -- Function Description: -- Generates the required integer value for the FG instance assignment -- of the C_MEMORY_TYPE parameter. Derived from -- the input memory type parameter C_USE_BLOCKMEM. -- -- FIFO Generator values -- 0 = Any -- 1 = BRAM -- 2 = Distributed Memory -- 3 = Shift Registers -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetMemType (inputmemtype : integer) return integer is Variable memtype : Integer := 0; begin If (inputmemtype = 0) Then -- distributed Memory memtype := 2; else memtype := 1; -- BRAM End if; return(memtype); end function GetMemType; function log2(x : natural) return integer is variable i : integer := 0; variable val: integer := 1; begin if x = 0 then return 0; else for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST if val >= x then null; else i := i+1; val := val*2; end if; end loop; -- Fix per CR520627 XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a -- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not -- impact simulation. -- synthesis translate_off assert val >= x report "Function log2 received argument larger" & " than its capability of 2^30. " severity failure; -- synthesis translate_on return i; end if; end function log2; -- Constant Declarations ---------------------------------------------- -- C_FAMILY is directly passed. No need to have family_support function Constant FAMILY_TO_USE : string := C_FAMILY; -- function from family_support.vhd -- Constant FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED : boolean := (equalIgnoringCase(FAMILY_TO_USE, "nofamily")); -- Proc_common supports all families Constant FAMILY_IS_SUPPORTED : boolean := true; --not(FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED); -- Constant FAM_IS_S3_V4_V5 : boolean := (equalIgnoringCase(FAMILY_TO_USE, "spartan3" ) or -- equalIgnoringCase(FAMILY_TO_USE, "virtex4" ) or -- equalIgnoringCase(FAMILY_TO_USE, "virtex5")) and -- FAMILY_IS_SUPPORTED; -- Changing this to true Constant FAM_IS_NOT_S3_V4_V5 : boolean := true; -- Get the integer value for a Block memory type fifo generator call Constant FG_MEM_TYPE : integer := GetMemType(C_USE_BLOCKMEM); -- Set the required integer value for the FG instance assignment -- of the C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE parameter. Derived from -- the input memory type parameter C_MEMORY_TYPE. -- -- 0 = Common Clock BRAM / Distributed RAM (Synchronous FIFO) -- 1 = Common Clock Shift Register (Synchronous FIFO) -- 2 = Independent Clock BRAM/Distributed RAM (Asynchronous FIFO) -- 3 = Independent/Common Clock V4 Built In Memory -- not used in legacy fifo calls -- 5 = Independent/Common Clock V5 Built in Memory -- not used in legacy fifo calls -- Constant FG_IMP_TYPE : integer := 2; --Signals added to fix MTI and XSIM issues caused by fix for VCS issues not to use "LIBRARY_SCAN = TRUE" signal PROG_FULL : std_logic; signal PROG_EMPTY : std_logic; signal SBITERR : std_logic; signal DBITERR : std_logic; signal WR_RST_BUSY : std_logic; signal RD_RST_BUSY : std_logic; signal S_AXI_AWREADY : std_logic; signal S_AXI_WREADY : std_logic; signal S_AXI_BID : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal S_AXI_BRESP : std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); signal S_AXI_BUSER : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal S_AXI_BVALID : std_logic; -- AXI Full/Lite Master Write Channel (Read side) signal M_AXI_AWID : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWADDR : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWLEN : std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWSIZE : std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWBURST : std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWLOCK : std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWCACHE : std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWPROT : std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWQOS : std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWREGION : std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_AWUSER : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal M_AXI_AWVALID : std_logic; signal M_AXI_WID : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_WDATA : std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_WSTRB : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_WLAST : std_logic; signal M_AXI_WUSER : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal M_AXI_WVALID : std_logic; signal M_AXI_BREADY : std_logic; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Read Channel (Write side) signal S_AXI_ARREADY : std_logic; signal S_AXI_RID : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal S_AXI_RDATA : std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0); signal S_AXI_RRESP : std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); signal S_AXI_RLAST : std_logic; signal S_AXI_RUSER : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal S_AXI_RVALID : std_logic; -- AXI Full/Lite Master Read Channel (Read side) signal M_AXI_ARID : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARADDR : std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARLEN : std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARSIZE : std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARBURST : std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARLOCK : std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARCACHE : std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARPROT : std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARQOS : std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARREGION : std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXI_ARUSER : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); signal M_AXI_ARVALID : std_logic; signal M_AXI_RREADY : std_logic; -- AXI Streaming Slave Signals (Write side) signal S_AXIS_TREADY : std_logic; -- AXI Streaming Master Signals (Read side) signal M_AXIS_TVALID : std_logic; signal M_AXIS_TDATA : std_logic_vector(63 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXIS_TSTRB : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXIS_TKEEP : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXIS_TLAST : std_logic; signal M_AXIS_TID : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXIS_TDEST : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); signal M_AXIS_TUSER : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); -- AXI Full/Lite Write Address Channel Signals signal AXI_AW_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_AW_WR_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_AW_RD_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_AW_SBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_AW_DBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_AW_OVERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_AW_UNDERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_AW_PROG_FULL : STD_LOGIC; signal AXI_AW_PROG_EMPTY : STD_LOGIC; -- AXI Full/Lite Write Data Channel Signals signal AXI_W_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_W_WR_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_W_RD_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_W_SBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_W_DBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_W_OVERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_W_UNDERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_W_PROG_FULL : STD_LOGIC; signal AXI_W_PROG_EMPTY : STD_LOGIC; -- AXI Full/Lite Write Response Channel Signals signal AXI_B_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_B_WR_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_B_RD_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_B_SBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_B_DBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_B_OVERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_B_UNDERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_B_PROG_FULL : STD_LOGIC; signal AXI_B_PROG_EMPTY : STD_LOGIC; -- AXI Full/Lite Read Address Channel Signals signal AXI_AR_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_AR_WR_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_AR_RD_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_AR_SBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_AR_DBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_AR_OVERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_AR_UNDERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_AR_PROG_FULL : STD_LOGIC; signal AXI_AR_PROG_EMPTY : STD_LOGIC; -- AXI Full/Lite Read Data Channel Signals signal AXI_R_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_R_WR_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_R_RD_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXI_R_SBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_R_DBITERR : std_logic; signal AXI_R_OVERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_R_UNDERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXI_R_PROG_FULL : STD_LOGIC; signal AXI_R_PROG_EMPTY : STD_LOGIC; -- AXI Streaming FIFO Related Signals signal AXIS_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXIS_WR_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXIS_RD_DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(10 DOWNTO 0); signal AXIS_SBITERR : std_logic; signal AXIS_DBITERR : std_logic; signal AXIS_OVERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXIS_UNDERFLOW : std_logic; signal AXIS_PROG_FULL : STD_LOGIC; signal AXIS_PROG_EMPTY : STD_LOGIC; begin --(architecture implementation) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- If Generate -- -- Label: GEN_NO_FAMILY -- -- If Generate Description: -- This IfGen is implemented if an unsupported FPGA family -- is passed in on the C_FAMILY parameter, -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- GEN_NO_FAMILY : if (FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED) generate -- begin -- synthesis translate_off ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Combinational Process -- -- Label: DO_ASSERTION -- -- Process Description: -- Generate a simulation error assertion for an unsupported -- FPGA family string passed in on the C_FAMILY parameter. -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- DO_ASSERTION : process -- begin -- Wait until second rising wr clock edge to issue assertion -- Wait until Wr_clk = '1'; -- wait until Wr_clk = '0'; -- Wait until Wr_clk = '1'; -- Report an error in simulation environment -- assert FALSE report "********* UNSUPPORTED FPGA DEVICE! Check C_FAMILY parameter assignment!" -- severity ERROR; -- Wait; -- halt this process -- end process DO_ASSERTION; -- synthesis translate_on -- Tie outputs to logic low or logic high as required -- Dout <= (others => '0'); -- : out std_logic_vector(C_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Full <= '0' ; -- : out std_logic; -- Empty <= '1' ; -- : out std_logic; -- Almost_full <= '0' ; -- : out std_logic; -- Almost_empty <= '0' ; -- : out std_logic; -- Wr_count <= (others => '0'); -- : out std_logic_vector(C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Rd_count <= (others => '0'); -- : out std_logic_vector(C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Rd_ack <= '0' ; -- : out std_logic; -- Rd_err <= '1' ; -- : out std_logic; -- Wr_ack <= '0' ; -- : out std_logic; -- Wr_err <= '1' ; -- : out std_logic -- end generate GEN_NO_FAMILY; ------------------------------------------------------------ -- If Generate -- -- Label: LEGACY_COREGEN_DEPTH -- -- If Generate Description: -- This IfGen implements the FIFO Generator call where -- the User specified depth and count widths follow the -- legacy CoreGen Async FIFO requirements of depth being -- (2**N)-1 and the count widths set to reflect the (2**N)-1 -- FIFO depth. -- -- Special Note: -- The legacy CoreGen Async FIFOs would only support fifo depths of (2**n)-1 -- and the Dcount widths were 1 less than if a full 2**n depth were supported. -- Thus legacy IP will be calling this wrapper with the (2**n)-1 FIFo depths -- specified and the Dcount widths smaller by 1 bit. -- This wrapper file has to account for this since the new FIFO Generator -- does not follow this convention for Async FIFOs and expects depths to -- be specified in full 2**n values. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ LEGACY_COREGEN_DEPTH : if (C_ALLOW_2N_DEPTH = 0 and FAMILY_IS_SUPPORTED) generate -- IfGen Constant Declarations ------------- -- See Special Note above for reasoning behind -- this adjustment of the requested FIFO depth and data count -- widths. Constant ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH : integer := C_FIFO_DEPTH+1; Constant ADJUSTED_RDCNT_WIDTH : integer := C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH; Constant ADJUSTED_WRCNT_WIDTH : integer := C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH; -- The programable thresholds are not used so this is housekeeping. Constant PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL : integer := ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH-3; Constant PROG_FULL_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL : integer := ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH-4; -- The parameters C_RD_PNTR_WIDTH and C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH for Fifo_generator_v4_3 core -- must be in the range of 4 thru 22. The setting is dependant upon the -- log2 function of the MIN and MAX FIFO DEPTH settings in coregen. Since Async FIFOs -- previous to development of fifo generator do not support separate read and -- write fifo widths (and depths dependant upon the widths) both of the pointer value -- calculations below will use the parameter ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH. The valid range for -- the ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH is 16 to 65536 (the async FIFO range is 15 to 65,535...it -- must be equal to (2^N-1;, N = 4 to 16) per DS232 November 11, 2004 - -- Asynchronous FIFO v6.1) Constant ADJUSTED_RD_PNTR_WIDTH : integer range 4 to 22 := log2(ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH); Constant ADJUSTED_WR_PNTR_WIDTH : integer range 4 to 22 := log2(ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH); -- Constant zeros for programmable threshold inputs signal PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS : std_logic_vector(ADJUSTED_RD_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); signal PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS : std_logic_vector(ADJUSTED_WR_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); -- IfGen Signal Declarations -------------- Signal sig_full_fifo_rdcnt : std_logic_vector(ADJUSTED_RDCNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); Signal sig_full_fifo_wrcnt : std_logic_vector(ADJUSTED_WRCNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); --Signals added to fix MTI and XSIM issues caused by fix for VCS issues not to use "LIBRARY_SCAN = TRUE" signal DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(ADJUSTED_WRCNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); begin -- Rip the LS bits of the write data count and assign to Write Count -- output port Wr_count <= sig_full_fifo_wrcnt(C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Rip the LS bits of the read data count and assign to Read Count -- output port Rd_count <= sig_full_fifo_rdcnt(C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------ -- If Generate -- -- Label: V6_S6_AND_LATER -- -- If Generate Description: -- This IFGen Implements the FIFO using fifo_generator_v9_3 -- for FPGA Families that are Virtex-6, Spartan-6, and later. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ V6_S6_AND_LATER : if (FAM_IS_NOT_S3_V4_V5) generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate the generalized FIFO Generator instance -- -- NOTE: -- DO NOT CHANGE TO DIRECT ENTITY INSTANTIATION!!! -- This is a Coregen FIFO Generator Call module for -- legacy BRAM implementations of an Async FIFo. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_ASYNC_FIFO_BRAM : entity fifo_generator_v12_0.fifo_generator_v12_0 generic map( C_COMMON_CLOCK => 0, C_COUNT_TYPE => 0, C_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => ADJUSTED_WRCNT_WIDTH, C_DEFAULT_VALUE => "BlankString", C_DIN_WIDTH => C_DATA_WIDTH, C_DOUT_RST_VAL => "0", C_DOUT_WIDTH => C_DATA_WIDTH, C_ENABLE_RLOCS => C_ENABLE_RLOCS, C_FAMILY => FAMILY_TO_USE, C_FULL_FLAGS_RST_VAL => 1, C_HAS_ALMOST_EMPTY => C_HAS_ALMOST_EMPTY, C_HAS_ALMOST_FULL => C_HAS_ALMOST_FULL, C_HAS_BACKUP => 0, C_HAS_DATA_COUNT => 0, C_HAS_INT_CLK => 0, C_HAS_MEMINIT_FILE => 0, C_HAS_OVERFLOW => C_HAS_WR_ERR, C_HAS_RD_DATA_COUNT => C_HAS_RD_COUNT, C_HAS_RD_RST => 0, C_HAS_RST => 1, C_HAS_SRST => 0, C_HAS_UNDERFLOW => C_HAS_RD_ERR, C_HAS_VALID => C_HAS_RD_ACK, C_HAS_WR_ACK => C_HAS_WR_ACK, C_HAS_WR_DATA_COUNT => C_HAS_WR_COUNT, C_HAS_WR_RST => 0, C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE => FG_IMP_TYPE, C_INIT_WR_PNTR_VAL => 0, C_MEMORY_TYPE => FG_MEM_TYPE, C_MIF_FILE_NAME => "BlankString", C_OPTIMIZATION_MODE => 0, C_OVERFLOW_LOW => C_WR_ERR_LOW, C_PRELOAD_LATENCY => C_PRELOAD_LATENCY, ----1, Fixed CR#658129 C_PRELOAD_REGS => C_PRELOAD_REGS, ----0, Fixed CR#658129 C_PRIM_FIFO_TYPE => "512x36", -- only used for V5 Hard FIFO C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL => 2, C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL => 3, C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE => 0, C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL => PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL, C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL => PROG_FULL_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL, C_PROG_FULL_TYPE => 0, C_RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => ADJUSTED_RDCNT_WIDTH, C_RD_DEPTH => ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH, C_RD_FREQ => 1, C_RD_PNTR_WIDTH => ADJUSTED_RD_PNTR_WIDTH, C_UNDERFLOW_LOW => C_RD_ERR_LOW, C_USE_DOUT_RST => 1, C_USE_ECC => 0, C_USE_EMBEDDED_REG => C_USE_EMBEDDED_REG, ----0, Fixed CR#658129 C_USE_FIFO16_FLAGS => 0, C_USE_FWFT_DATA_COUNT => 0, C_VALID_LOW => 0, C_WR_ACK_LOW => C_WR_ACK_LOW, C_WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => ADJUSTED_WRCNT_WIDTH, C_WR_DEPTH => ADJUSTED_AFIFO_DEPTH, C_WR_FREQ => 1, C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH => ADJUSTED_WR_PNTR_WIDTH, C_WR_RESPONSE_LATENCY => 1, C_MSGON_VAL => 1, C_ENABLE_RST_SYNC => 1, C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE => 0, C_SYNCHRONIZER_STAGE => C_SYNCHRONIZER_STAGE, -- AXI Interface related parameters start here C_INTERFACE_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0: Native Interface; 1: AXI Interface C_AXI_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0: AXI Stream; 1: AXI Full; 2: AXI Lite C_HAS_AXI_WR_CHANNEL => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_RD_CHANNEL => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_SLAVE_CE => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_MASTER_CE => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ADD_NGC_CONSTRAINT => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_COMMON_OVERFLOW => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_COMMON_UNDERFLOW => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_DEFAULT_SETTINGS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- AXI Full/Lite C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => 32, -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => 64, -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_LEN_WIDTH => 8, -- : integer := 8; C_AXI_LOCK_WIDTH => 2, -- : integer := 2; C_HAS_AXI_ID => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_AWUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_WUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_BUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_ARUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_RUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; -- AXI Streaming C_HAS_AXIS_TDATA => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TID => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TDEST => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TREADY => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TLAST => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TSTRB => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TKEEP => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH => 64, -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TID_WIDTH => 8 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TDEST_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TSTRB_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TKEEP_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; -- AXI Channel Type -- WACH --> Write Address Channel -- WDCH --> Write Data Channel -- WRCH --> Write Response Channel -- RACH --> Read Address Channel -- RDCH --> Read Data Channel -- AXIS --> AXI Streaming C_WACH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logic C_WDCH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_WRCH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_RACH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_RDCH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_AXIS_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie -- AXI Implementation Type -- 1 = Common Clock Block RAM FIFO -- 2 = Common Clock Distributed RAM FIFO -- 11 = Independent Clock Block RAM FIFO -- 12 = Independent Clock Distributed RAM FIFO C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_WACH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_WDCH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_WRCH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_RACH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_RDCH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_AXIS => 1, -- : integer := 0; -- AXI FIFO Type -- 0 = Data FIFO -- 1 = Packet FIFO -- 2 = Low Latency Data FIFO C_APPLICATION_TYPE_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC -- 0 = ECC disabled -- 1 = ECC enabled C_USE_ECC_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- ECC Error Injection Type -- 0 = No Error Injection -- 1 = Single Bit Error Injection -- 2 = Double Bit Error Injection -- 3 = Single Bit and Double Bit Error Injection C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- Input Data Width -- Accumulation of all AXI input signal's width C_DIN_WIDTH_WACH => 32, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_WDCH => 64, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_WRCH => 2 , -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_RACH => 32, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_RDCH => 64, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_AXIS => 1 , -- : integer := 1; C_WR_DEPTH_WACH => 16 , -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_WDCH => 1024, -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_WRCH => 16 , -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_RACH => 16 , -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_RDCH => 1024, -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_AXIS => 1024, -- : integer := 16; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH => 4 , -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH => 10, -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH => 4 , -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH => 4 , -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH => 10, -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS => 10, -- : integer := 4; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_WACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_WDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_WRCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_RACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_RDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_AXIS => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WACH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WDCH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WRCH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RACH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RDCH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_AXIS => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_WACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_WDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_WRCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_RACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_RDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_AXIS => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WACH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WDCH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WRCH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RACH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RDCH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_AXIS => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_AXIS => 0 -- : integer := 0 ) port map ( backup => '0', backup_marker => '0', clk => '0', rst => Ainit, srst => '0', wr_clk => Wr_clk, wr_rst => Ainit, rd_clk => Rd_clk, rd_rst => Ainit, din => Din, wr_en => Wr_en, rd_en => Rd_en, prog_empty_thresh => PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS, prog_empty_thresh_assert => PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS, prog_empty_thresh_negate => PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS, prog_full_thresh => PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS, prog_full_thresh_assert => PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS, prog_full_thresh_negate => PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS, int_clk => '0', injectdbiterr => '0', -- new FG 5.1/5.2 injectsbiterr => '0', -- new FG 5.1/5.2 sleep => '0', dout => Dout, full => Full, almost_full => Almost_full, wr_ack => Wr_ack, overflow => Wr_err, empty => Empty, almost_empty => Almost_empty, valid => Rd_ack, underflow => Rd_err, data_count => DATA_COUNT, rd_data_count => sig_full_fifo_rdcnt, wr_data_count => sig_full_fifo_wrcnt, prog_full => PROG_FULL, prog_empty => PROG_EMPTY, sbiterr => SBITERR, dbiterr => DBITERR, wr_rst_busy => WR_RST_BUSY, rd_rst_busy => RD_RST_BUSY, -- AXI Global Signal m_aclk => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_aclk => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_aresetn => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_aclk_en => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_aclk_en => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Write Channel (write side) s_axi_awid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awaddr => "00000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awlen => "00000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awsize => "000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awburst => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awlock => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awcache => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awprot => "000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awqos => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awregion => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awuser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_awready => S_AXI_AWREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_wid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wdata => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wstrb => "00000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wlast => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_wuser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_wready => S_AXI_WREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_bid => S_AXI_BID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_bresp => S_AXI_BRESP, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_buser => S_AXI_BUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_bvalid => S_AXI_BVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_bready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Master Write Channel (Read side) m_axi_awid => M_AXI_AWID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awaddr => M_AXI_AWADDR, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awlen => M_AXI_AWLEN, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awsize => M_AXI_AWSIZE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awburst => M_AXI_AWBURST, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awlock => M_AXI_AWLOCK, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awcache => M_AXI_AWCACHE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awprot => M_AXI_AWPROT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awqos => M_AXI_AWQOS, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awregion => M_AXI_AWREGION, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awuser => M_AXI_AWUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awvalid => M_AXI_AWVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_awready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_wid => M_AXI_WID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wdata => M_AXI_WDATA, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wstrb => M_AXI_WSTRB, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wlast => M_AXI_WLAST, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_wuser => M_AXI_WUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wvalid => M_AXI_WVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_wready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_bid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_bresp => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_buser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_bvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_bready => M_AXI_BREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Read Channel (Write side) s_axi_arid => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_araddr => "00000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arlen => "00000000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arsize => "000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arburst => "00", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arlock => "00", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arcache => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arprot => "000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arqos => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arregion => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_aruser => "0", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_arready => S_AXI_ARREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_rid => S_AXI_RID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rdata => S_AXI_RDATA, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rresp => S_AXI_RRESP, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rlast => S_AXI_RLAST, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_ruser => S_AXI_RUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rvalid => S_AXI_RVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_rready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Master Read Channel (Read side) m_axi_arid => M_AXI_ARID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_araddr => M_AXI_ARADDR, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arlen => M_AXI_ARLEN, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arsize => M_AXI_ARSIZE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arburst => M_AXI_ARBURST, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arlock => M_AXI_ARLOCK, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arcache => M_AXI_ARCACHE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arprot => M_AXI_ARPROT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arqos => M_AXI_ARQOS, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arregion => M_AXI_ARREGION, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_aruser => M_AXI_ARUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arvalid => M_AXI_ARVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_arready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_rid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rdata => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rresp => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rlast => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_ruser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_rready => M_AXI_RREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; -- AXI Streaming Slave Signals (Write side) s_axis_tvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axis_tready => S_AXIS_TREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axis_tdata => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tstrb => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TSTRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tkeep => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TKEEP_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tlast => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axis_tid => "00000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tdest => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDEST_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tuser => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); -- AXI Streaming Master Signals (Read side) m_axis_tvalid => M_AXIS_TVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axis_tready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axis_tdata => M_AXIS_TDATA, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tstrb => M_AXIS_TSTRB, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TSTRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tkeep => M_AXIS_TKEEP, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TKEEP_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tlast => M_AXIS_TLAST, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axis_tid => M_AXIS_TID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tdest => M_AXIS_TDEST, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDEST_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tuser => M_AXIS_TUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); -- AXI Full/Lite Write Address Channel Signals axi_aw_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_aw_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_aw_prog_full_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_aw_prog_empty_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_aw_data_count => AXI_AW_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH DOWNTO 0); axi_aw_wr_data_count => AXI_AW_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH DOWNTO 0); axi_aw_rd_data_count => AXI_AW_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH DOWNTO 0); axi_aw_sbiterr => AXI_AW_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_dbiterr => AXI_AW_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_overflow => AXI_AW_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_underflow => AXI_AW_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_prog_full => AXI_AW_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_aw_prog_empty => AXI_AW_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Write Data Channel Signals axi_w_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_w_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_w_prog_full_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_w_prog_empty_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_w_data_count => AXI_W_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_w_wr_data_count => AXI_W_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_w_rd_data_count => AXI_W_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_w_sbiterr => AXI_W_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_dbiterr => AXI_W_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_overflow => AXI_W_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_underflow => AXI_W_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_prog_full => AXI_W_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_w_prog_empty => AXI_W_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Write Response Channel Signals axi_b_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_b_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_b_prog_full_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_b_prog_empty_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_b_data_count => AXI_B_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH DOWNTO 0); axi_b_wr_data_count => AXI_B_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH DOWNTO 0); axi_b_rd_data_count => AXI_B_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH DOWNTO 0); axi_b_sbiterr => AXI_B_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_dbiterr => AXI_B_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_overflow => AXI_B_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_underflow => AXI_B_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_prog_full => AXI_B_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_b_prog_empty => AXI_B_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Read Address Channel Signals axi_ar_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_ar_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_ar_prog_full_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_ar_prog_empty_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_ar_data_count => AXI_AR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH DOWNTO 0); axi_ar_wr_data_count => AXI_AR_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH DOWNTO 0); axi_ar_rd_data_count => AXI_AR_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH DOWNTO 0); axi_ar_sbiterr => AXI_AR_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_dbiterr => AXI_AR_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_overflow => AXI_AR_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_underflow => AXI_AR_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_prog_full => AXI_AR_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_ar_prog_empty => AXI_AR_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Read Data Channel Signals axi_r_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_r_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_r_prog_full_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_r_prog_empty_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_r_data_count => AXI_R_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_r_wr_data_count => AXI_R_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_r_rd_data_count => AXI_R_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_r_sbiterr => AXI_R_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_dbiterr => AXI_R_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_overflow => AXI_R_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_underflow => AXI_R_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_prog_full => AXI_R_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_r_prog_empty => AXI_R_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Streaming FIFO Related Signals axis_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axis_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axis_prog_full_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axis_prog_empty_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axis_data_count => AXIS_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS DOWNTO 0); axis_wr_data_count => AXIS_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS DOWNTO 0); axis_rd_data_count => AXIS_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS DOWNTO 0); axis_sbiterr => AXIS_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axis_dbiterr => AXIS_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axis_overflow => AXIS_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axis_underflow => AXIS_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic axis_prog_full => AXIS_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axis_prog_empty => AXIS_PROG_EMPTY -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; ); end generate V6_S6_AND_LATER; end generate LEGACY_COREGEN_DEPTH; ------------------------------------------------------------ -- If Generate -- -- Label: USE_2N_DEPTH -- -- If Generate Description: -- This IfGen implements the FIFO Generator call where -- the User may specify depth and count widths of 2**N -- for Async FIFOs The associated count widths are set to -- reflect the 2**N FIFO depth. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ USE_2N_DEPTH : if (C_ALLOW_2N_DEPTH = 1 and FAMILY_IS_SUPPORTED) generate -- The programable thresholds are not used so this is housekeeping. Constant PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL : integer := C_FIFO_DEPTH-3; Constant PROG_FULL_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL : integer := C_FIFO_DEPTH-4; Constant RD_PNTR_WIDTH : integer range 4 to 22 := log2(C_FIFO_DEPTH); Constant WR_PNTR_WIDTH : integer range 4 to 22 := log2(C_FIFO_DEPTH); -- Constant zeros for programmable threshold inputs signal PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS : std_logic_vector(RD_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); signal PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS : std_logic_vector(WR_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); -- Signals Declarations Signal sig_full_fifo_rdcnt : std_logic_vector(C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); Signal sig_full_fifo_wrcnt : std_logic_vector(C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); --Signals added to fix MTI and XSIM issues caused by fix for VCS issues not to use "LIBRARY_SCAN = TRUE" signal DATA_COUNT : std_logic_vector(C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); begin -- Rip the LS bits of the write data count and assign to Write Count -- output port Wr_count <= sig_full_fifo_wrcnt(C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Rip the LS bits of the read data count and assign to Read Count -- output port Rd_count <= sig_full_fifo_rdcnt(C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); ------------------------------------------------------------ -- If Generate -- -- Label: V6_S6_AND_LATER -- -- If Generate Description: -- This IFGen Implements the FIFO using fifo_generator_v9_3 -- for FPGA Families that are Virtex-6, Spartan-6, and later. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ V6_S6_AND_LATER : if (FAM_IS_NOT_S3_V4_V5) generate begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate the generalized FIFO Generator instance -- -- NOTE: -- DO NOT CHANGE TO DIRECT ENTITY INSTANTIATION!!! -- This is a Coregen FIFO Generator Call module for -- legacy BRAM implementations of an Async FIFo. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_ASYNC_FIFO_BRAM : entity fifo_generator_v12_0.fifo_generator_v12_0 generic map( C_COMMON_CLOCK => 0, C_COUNT_TYPE => 0, C_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH, C_DEFAULT_VALUE => "BlankString", C_DIN_WIDTH => C_DATA_WIDTH, C_DOUT_RST_VAL => "0", C_DOUT_WIDTH => C_DATA_WIDTH, C_ENABLE_RLOCS => C_ENABLE_RLOCS, C_FAMILY => FAMILY_TO_USE, C_FULL_FLAGS_RST_VAL => 1, C_HAS_ALMOST_EMPTY => C_HAS_ALMOST_EMPTY, C_HAS_ALMOST_FULL => C_HAS_ALMOST_FULL, C_HAS_BACKUP => 0, C_HAS_DATA_COUNT => 0, C_HAS_INT_CLK => 0, C_HAS_MEMINIT_FILE => 0, C_HAS_OVERFLOW => C_HAS_WR_ERR, C_HAS_RD_DATA_COUNT => C_HAS_RD_COUNT, C_HAS_RD_RST => 0, C_HAS_RST => 1, C_HAS_SRST => 0, C_HAS_UNDERFLOW => C_HAS_RD_ERR, C_HAS_VALID => C_HAS_RD_ACK, C_HAS_WR_ACK => C_HAS_WR_ACK, C_HAS_WR_DATA_COUNT => C_HAS_WR_COUNT, C_HAS_WR_RST => 0, C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE => FG_IMP_TYPE, C_INIT_WR_PNTR_VAL => 0, C_MEMORY_TYPE => FG_MEM_TYPE, C_MIF_FILE_NAME => "BlankString", C_OPTIMIZATION_MODE => 0, C_OVERFLOW_LOW => C_WR_ERR_LOW, C_PRELOAD_LATENCY => C_PRELOAD_LATENCY, ----1, Fixed CR#658129 C_PRELOAD_REGS => C_PRELOAD_REGS, ----0, Fixed CR#658129 C_PRIM_FIFO_TYPE => "512x36", -- only used for V5 Hard FIFO C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL => 2, C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL => 3, C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE => 0, C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL => PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL, C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL => PROG_FULL_THRESH_NEGATE_VAL, C_PROG_FULL_TYPE => 0, C_RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => C_RD_COUNT_WIDTH, C_RD_DEPTH => C_FIFO_DEPTH, C_RD_FREQ => 1, C_RD_PNTR_WIDTH => RD_PNTR_WIDTH, C_UNDERFLOW_LOW => C_RD_ERR_LOW, C_USE_DOUT_RST => 1, C_USE_ECC => 0, C_USE_EMBEDDED_REG => C_USE_EMBEDDED_REG, ----0, Fixed CR#658129 C_USE_FIFO16_FLAGS => 0, C_USE_FWFT_DATA_COUNT => 0, C_VALID_LOW => 0, C_WR_ACK_LOW => C_WR_ACK_LOW, C_WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH => C_WR_COUNT_WIDTH, C_WR_DEPTH => C_FIFO_DEPTH, C_WR_FREQ => 1, C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH => WR_PNTR_WIDTH, C_WR_RESPONSE_LATENCY => 1, C_MSGON_VAL => 1, C_ENABLE_RST_SYNC => 1, C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE => 0, -- AXI Interface related parameters start here C_INTERFACE_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0: Native Interface; 1: AXI Interface C_AXI_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0: AXI Stream; 1: AXI Full; 2: AXI Lite C_HAS_AXI_WR_CHANNEL => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_RD_CHANNEL => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_SLAVE_CE => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_MASTER_CE => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ADD_NGC_CONSTRAINT => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_COMMON_OVERFLOW => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_COMMON_UNDERFLOW => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_DEFAULT_SETTINGS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- AXI Full/Lite C_AXI_ID_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH => 32, -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH => 64, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_AWUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_WUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_BUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_ARUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXI_RUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH => 1 , -- : integer := 0; -- AXI Streaming C_HAS_AXIS_TDATA => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TID => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TDEST => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TUSER => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TREADY => 1 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TLAST => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TSTRB => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_AXIS_TKEEP => 0 , -- : integer := 0; C_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH => 64, -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TID_WIDTH => 8 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TDEST_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TSTRB_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; C_AXIS_TKEEP_WIDTH => 4 , -- : integer := 1; -- AXI Channel Type -- WACH --> Write Address Channel -- WDCH --> Write Data Channel -- WRCH --> Write Response Channel -- RACH --> Read Address Channel -- RDCH --> Read Data Channel -- AXIS --> AXI Streaming C_WACH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logic C_WDCH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_WRCH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_RACH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_RDCH_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie C_AXIS_TYPE => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- 0 = FIFO; 1 = Register Slice; 2 = Pass Through Logie -- AXI Implementation Type -- 1 = Common Clock Block RAM FIFO -- 2 = Common Clock Distributed RAM FIFO -- 11 = Independent Clock Block RAM FIFO -- 12 = Independent Clock Distributed RAM FIFO C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_WACH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_WDCH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_WRCH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_RACH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_RDCH => 1, -- : integer := 0; C_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_AXIS => 1, -- : integer := 0; -- AXI FIFO Type -- 0 = Data FIFO -- 1 = Packet FIFO -- 2 = Low Latency Data FIFO C_APPLICATION_TYPE_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_APPLICATION_TYPE_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- Enable ECC -- 0 = ECC disabled -- 1 = ECC enabled C_USE_ECC_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_USE_ECC_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- ECC Error Injection Type -- 0 = No Error Injection -- 1 = Single Bit Error Injection -- 2 = Double Bit Error Injection -- 3 = Single Bit and Double Bit Error Injection C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPE_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; -- Input Data Width -- Accumulation of all AXI input signal's width C_DIN_WIDTH_WACH => 32, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_WDCH => 64, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_WRCH => 2 , -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_RACH => 32, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_RDCH => 64, -- : integer := 1; C_DIN_WIDTH_AXIS => 1 , -- : integer := 1; C_WR_DEPTH_WACH => 16 , -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_WDCH => 1024, -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_WRCH => 16 , -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_RACH => 16 , -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_RDCH => 1024, -- : integer := 16; C_WR_DEPTH_AXIS => 1024, -- : integer := 16; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH => 4 , -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH => 10, -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH => 4 , -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH => 4 , -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH => 10, -- : integer := 4; C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS => 10, -- : integer := 4; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_DATA_COUNTS_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_HAS_PROG_FLAGS_AXIS => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_WACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_WDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_WRCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_RACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_RDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_TYPE_AXIS => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WACH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WDCH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WRCH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RACH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RDCH => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_FULL_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_AXIS => 1023, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_WACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_WDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_WRCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_RACH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_RDCH => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_TYPE_AXIS => 5 , -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WACH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WDCH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_WRCH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RACH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_RDCH => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_PROG_EMPTY_THRESH_ASSERT_VAL_AXIS => 1022, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_WACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_WDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_WRCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_RACH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_RDCH => 0, -- : integer := 0; C_REG_SLICE_MODE_AXIS => 0 -- : integer := 0 ) port map ( backup => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; backup_marker => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; clk => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; rst => Ainit, -- : IN std_logic := '0'; srst => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; wr_clk => Wr_clk, -- : IN std_logic := '0'; wr_rst => Ainit, -- : IN std_logic := '0'; rd_clk => Rd_clk, -- : IN std_logic := '0'; rd_rst => Ainit, -- : IN std_logic := '0'; din => Din, -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_DIN_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); wr_en => Wr_en, -- : IN std_logic := '0'; rd_en => Rd_en, -- : IN std_logic := '0'; prog_empty_thresh => PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS, -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_RD_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); prog_empty_thresh_assert => PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS, -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_RD_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); prog_empty_thresh_negate => PROG_RDTHRESH_ZEROS, -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_RD_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); prog_full_thresh => PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS, -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); prog_full_thresh_assert => PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS, -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); prog_full_thresh_negate => PROG_WRTHRESH_ZEROS, -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); int_clk => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; injectdbiterr => '0', -- new FG 5.1 -- : IN std_logic := '0'; injectsbiterr => '0', -- new FG 5.1 -- : IN std_logic := '0'; sleep => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; dout => Dout, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DOUT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); full => Full, -- : OUT std_logic; almost_full => Almost_full, -- : OUT std_logic; wr_ack => Wr_ack, -- : OUT std_logic; overflow => Rd_err, -- : OUT std_logic; empty => Empty, -- : OUT std_logic; almost_empty => Almost_empty, -- : OUT std_logic; valid => Rd_ack, -- : OUT std_logic; underflow => Wr_err, -- : OUT std_logic; data_count => DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); rd_data_count => sig_full_fifo_rdcnt, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); wr_data_count => sig_full_fifo_wrcnt, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); prog_full => PROG_FULL, -- : OUT std_logic; prog_empty => PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT std_logic; sbiterr => SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; dbiterr => DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic wr_rst_busy => WR_RST_BUSY, rd_rst_busy => RD_RST_BUSY, -- AXI Global Signal m_aclk => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_aclk => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_aresetn => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_aclk_en => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_aclk_en => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Write Channel (write side) s_axi_awid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awaddr => "00000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awlen => "00000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awsize => "000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awburst => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awlock => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awcache => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awprot => "000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awqos => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awregion => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awuser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_awvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_awready => S_AXI_AWREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_wid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wdata => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wstrb => "00000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wlast => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_wuser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_wvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_wready => S_AXI_WREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_bid => S_AXI_BID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_bresp => S_AXI_BRESP, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_buser => S_AXI_BUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_bvalid => S_AXI_BVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_bready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Master Write Channel (Read side) m_axi_awid => M_AXI_AWID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awaddr => M_AXI_AWADDR, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awlen => M_AXI_AWLEN, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awsize => M_AXI_AWSIZE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awburst => M_AXI_AWBURST, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awlock => M_AXI_AWLOCK, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awcache => M_AXI_AWCACHE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awprot => M_AXI_AWPROT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awqos => M_AXI_AWQOS, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awregion => M_AXI_AWREGION, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awuser => M_AXI_AWUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_AWUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_awvalid => M_AXI_AWVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_awready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_wid => M_AXI_WID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wdata => M_AXI_WDATA, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wstrb => M_AXI_WSTRB, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wlast => M_AXI_WLAST, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_wuser => M_AXI_WUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_WUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_wvalid => M_AXI_WVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_wready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_bid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_bresp => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_buser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_BUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_bvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_bready => M_AXI_BREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; -- AXI Full/Lite Slave Read Channel (Write side) s_axi_arid => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_araddr => "00000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arlen => "00000000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arsize => "000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arburst => "00", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arlock => "00", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arcache => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arprot => "000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arqos => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arregion => "0000", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_aruser => "0", --(others => '0'), (others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axi_arvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axi_arready => S_AXI_ARREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_rid => S_AXI_RID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rdata => S_AXI_RDATA, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rresp => S_AXI_RRESP, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rlast => S_AXI_RLAST, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_ruser => S_AXI_RUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); s_axi_rvalid => S_AXI_RVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axi_rready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; -- AXI Full/Lite Master Read Channel (Read side) m_axi_arid => M_AXI_ARID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_araddr => M_AXI_ARADDR, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arlen => M_AXI_ARLEN, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(8-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arsize => M_AXI_ARSIZE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arburst => M_AXI_ARBURST, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arlock => M_AXI_ARLOCK, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arcache => M_AXI_ARCACHE, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arprot => M_AXI_ARPROT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(3-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arqos => M_AXI_ARQOS, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arregion => M_AXI_ARREGION, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(4-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_aruser => M_AXI_ARUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ARUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axi_arvalid => M_AXI_ARVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axi_arready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_rid => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rdata => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rresp => "00", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(2-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rlast => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_ruser => "0", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXI_RUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); m_axi_rvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axi_rready => M_AXI_RREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; -- AXI Streaming Slave Signals (Write side) s_axis_tvalid => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axis_tready => S_AXIS_TREADY, -- : OUT std_logic; s_axis_tdata => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tstrb => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TSTRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tkeep => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TKEEP_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tlast => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; s_axis_tid => "00000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tdest => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDEST_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); s_axis_tuser => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); -- AXI Streaming Master Signals (Read side) m_axis_tvalid => M_AXIS_TVALID, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axis_tready => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; m_axis_tdata => M_AXIS_TDATA, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tstrb => M_AXIS_TSTRB, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TSTRB_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tkeep => M_AXIS_TKEEP, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TKEEP_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tlast => M_AXIS_TLAST, -- : OUT std_logic; m_axis_tid => M_AXIS_TID, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TID_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tdest => M_AXIS_TDEST, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TDEST_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); m_axis_tuser => M_AXIS_TUSER, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_AXIS_TUSER_WIDTH-1 DOWNTO 0); -- AXI Full/Lite Write Address Channel Signals axi_aw_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_aw_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_aw_prog_full_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_aw_prog_empty_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_aw_data_count => AXI_AW_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH DOWNTO 0); axi_aw_wr_data_count => AXI_AW_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH DOWNTO 0); axi_aw_rd_data_count => AXI_AW_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WACH DOWNTO 0); axi_aw_sbiterr => AXI_AW_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_dbiterr => AXI_AW_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_overflow => AXI_AW_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_underflow => AXI_AW_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_aw_prog_full => AXI_AW_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_aw_prog_empty => AXI_AW_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Write Data Channel Signals axi_w_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_w_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_w_prog_full_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_w_prog_empty_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_w_data_count => AXI_W_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_w_wr_data_count => AXI_W_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_w_rd_data_count => AXI_W_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_w_sbiterr => AXI_W_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_dbiterr => AXI_W_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_overflow => AXI_W_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_underflow => AXI_W_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_w_prog_full => AXI_W_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_w_prog_empty => AXI_W_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Write Response Channel Signals axi_b_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_b_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_b_prog_full_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_b_prog_empty_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_b_data_count => AXI_B_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH DOWNTO 0); axi_b_wr_data_count => AXI_B_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH DOWNTO 0); axi_b_rd_data_count => AXI_B_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_WRCH DOWNTO 0); axi_b_sbiterr => AXI_B_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_dbiterr => AXI_B_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_overflow => AXI_B_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_underflow => AXI_B_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_b_prog_full => AXI_B_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_b_prog_empty => AXI_B_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Read Address Channel Signals axi_ar_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_ar_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_ar_prog_full_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_ar_prog_empty_thresh => "0000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_ar_data_count => AXI_AR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH DOWNTO 0); axi_ar_wr_data_count => AXI_AR_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH DOWNTO 0); axi_ar_rd_data_count => AXI_AR_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RACH DOWNTO 0); axi_ar_sbiterr => AXI_AR_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_dbiterr => AXI_AR_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_overflow => AXI_AR_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_underflow => AXI_AR_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_ar_prog_full => AXI_AR_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_ar_prog_empty => AXI_AR_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Full/Lite Read Data Channel Signals axi_r_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_r_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axi_r_prog_full_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_r_prog_empty_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axi_r_data_count => AXI_R_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_r_wr_data_count => AXI_R_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_r_rd_data_count => AXI_R_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_RDCH DOWNTO 0); axi_r_sbiterr => AXI_R_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_dbiterr => AXI_R_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_overflow => AXI_R_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_underflow => AXI_R_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axi_r_prog_full => AXI_R_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axi_r_prog_empty => AXI_R_PROG_EMPTY, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; -- AXI Streaming FIFO Related Signals axis_injectsbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axis_injectdbiterr => '0', -- : IN std_logic := '0'; axis_prog_full_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axis_prog_empty_thresh => "0000000000", --(others => '0'), -- : IN std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS-1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); axis_data_count => AXIS_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS DOWNTO 0); axis_wr_data_count => AXIS_WR_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS DOWNTO 0); axis_rd_data_count => AXIS_RD_DATA_COUNT, -- : OUT std_logic_vector(C_WR_PNTR_WIDTH_AXIS DOWNTO 0); axis_sbiterr => AXIS_SBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axis_dbiterr => AXIS_DBITERR, -- : OUT std_logic; axis_overflow => AXIS_OVERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic; axis_underflow => AXIS_UNDERFLOW, -- : OUT std_logic axis_prog_full => AXIS_PROG_FULL, -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '0'; axis_prog_empty => AXIS_PROG_EMPTY -- : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1'; ); end generate V6_S6_AND_LATER; end generate USE_2N_DEPTH; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- end implementation;