Elementary Electromagnetic Particle Physics
The Atlas Project

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Arizona Atlas

Copper Plates

There are 38 copper plates, each 1" thick, ready to begin the processes by which they will become the component parts of the copper matrix. The copper matrix for each side of the Forward Calorimeter 1 is made up of 18 of these plates.
[Raw Copper Plate]
A copper plate before being machined

Machining of the Plates

The machining of these plates will be done by the Science and Technology Center [STC] at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Each plate will have 12,226 holes, 5.75mm in diameter, to accommodate the electrodes. In addition, the end plates will have 1mm ground pin holes drilled into them 6mm in depth. These constitute the main features of the plate machining. There are additional detail features on each plate to accommodate the cables, cable troughs, alignment within the experiment, and thermometers. The machining portion of the project is expected to take 18-24 months to complete.
Machining Center at STC

Machining Center at the STC

The machining of the copper plates will be followed pictorially in the following sections of this page as they are done.

Machining at Univeristy of Arizona

This first picture shows George of the University Research Instrumentation Center [URIC] surfacing a copper plate. This plate was surfaced here before the final decision to have the plate machining done at the STC in Ottawa was made. The STC has done the machining of the end plates for FCal 2 and 3 in 1999-2000 as well as the plates for FCal 1, Module 0 in 1997. This makes them uniquely qualified for the job.

[First plate facing!]
The first copper plate as it is surfaced at URIC

Experimental Elementary Particle Physics Departmental Telephone: (520) 626-967