Elementary Electromagnetic Particle Physics
The Atlas Project

Electronics Assembly


Atlas Talks





Arizona Atlas

The University of Arizona was responsible for many of the required electronics for the Testbeam 1998. Shown here are some photos of Dan Tompkins, Electronics Technician, hard at work on the summing boards. The Front End Boards [FEB's] are also pictured below.
Dank Tompkins working on the summing boards. Electronics Technician, Dan Tompkins, working on the summing boards.
Soldering components onto the summing board. Dan Tompkins soldering components onto the summing board.
Image of summing board. The summing board.
Front End Board [FEB] in it's crate. The Front End Board [FEB] in it's crate.
A track and hold board. A track and hold board.
Closer view of components. A track and hold board; closer view of components.

Experimental Elementary Particle Physics Departmental Telephone: (520) 626-9677